
Legal Notice

Legal Notice

The website www.felixramiro.com is operated by ULTIMO TREN SL, a trading company established in SPAIN and registered in the Companies Register of Toledo, volume 375, folio 27, page number TO-3216, 1st entry, with tax identification number B45283116 and whose registered office is located at C/Remiendos 6 45128 Menasalbas, Toledo.
These general terms of use (hereinafter, “General Terms and Conditions”) regulate the use of the information society services ULTIMO TREN SL makes available to internet users through the website www.felixramiro.com (hereinafter, the “Website”).
By accessing and using the Website, the User fully accepts and agrees to fully comply with these General Terms and Conditions, as well as the privacy terms and conditions available on the Website. The User is therefore authorised to use the Website only in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions, as well as with the instructions, recommendations or specific conditions that ULTIMO TREN SL may indicate in each specific case. In this regard, we inform
the User that some of the services provided through the Website may be subject to special conditions, which will complete and/or, where appropriate, replace the Content of these General Terms and Conditions, and which must be accepted by the User before the corresponding service is provided.
Access to the Website is free of charge, except for the cost of connecting through the telecommunications network provided by the service provider contracted by the User.
ULTIMO TREN SL reserves the right to make changes to the website’s content at any time and without prior notice, including these General Terms and Conditions, the specific terms and the privacy policy, and we therefore recommend that you read them before accessing and browsing the website.
The user agrees not to use the website for fraudulent purposes, and not to engage in any kind of conduct that may damage the image, interests and rights of ULTIMO TREN SL. Furthermore, the User agrees not to engage in any act with the aim of damaging, rendering useless or overloading the Website, or preventing, in any way, the normal use of it.
In the event that you breach these General Terms and Conditions or ULTIMO TREN SL reasonably suspects that you are in breach of them, ULTIMO TREN SL shall have the right to limit, suspend or terminate your access to the website, adopting any technical measures necessary for this purpose. Furthermore, ULTIMO TREN SL reserves the right to unilaterally decide, at any time, on the continuity of the services provided through the website.
The user acknowledges and accepts that the use of the website is at their own risk and responsibility at all times, and ULTIMO TREN SL accepts no responsibility for any misuse or improper use of the website.
The User acknowledges and accepts that, although ULTIMO TREN SL makes its best efforts to ensure the technical and factual accuracy of the contents and information included on the Website, these are of a general and indicative nature. Therefore, the Company cannot guarantee the truthfulness, authenticity, suitability and accuracy of the information provided through the Website. As a result, ULTIMO TREN SL is not responsible for the decisions taken by the User based on the information provided through the Website, nor for any damages caused to the User or third parties as a result of actions based on the information obtained from the Website.
ULTIMO TREN SL shall only be liable for damages that the User may suffer from the use of the Website when such damages are due to wilful misconduct. By way of example, but not limited to, ULTIMO TREN SL is not liable for any damages that may arise from (i) interruptions, viruses, failures, interferences, omissions or disconnections of the electronic system, the communications system or its equipment for reasons beyond the control of ULTIMO TREN SL; (ii) delays or blockages in the use of the website caused by deficiencies or overloading of the internet, the lines or the electrical or communications systems; or (iii) the illegitimate actions of third parties beyond the control of ULTIMO TREN SL.
All industrial and intellectual property rights (including sui generis rights over databases) over the content of the website, its graphic design and source code, as well as over the different elements in it (including but not limited to: texts, graphics, logos, distinctive signs, icons, buttons, photographs, videos, sound recordings, etc.) belong to ULTIMO TREN SL.
The use of the website by the User in no way implies the transfer of any intellectual or industrial property rights over the website and/or its contents. For this purpose, through these General Terms and Conditions and except in the cases where it is legally permitted, the User is expressly prohibited from reproducing, transforming, distributing, publicly communicating, making
available, extracting and/or reusing the Website and/or any of its contents.
In order to help you find additional information, we have included various technical link devices that allow the User to access other websites (hereinafter “Linked Sites”). In these cases, ULTIMO TREN SL acts as an intermediary service provider, in accordance with the provisions of article 17 of Law 34/2002, of 12 July, on
Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.

Under no circumstances should the existence of Linked Sites presume that ULTIMO TREN SL has effective knowledge or any other type of knowledge of the services and contents of the links in the event of unlawfulness, nor that it maintains agreements with those responsible for or owners of the Linked Sites. Nor does the existence of these links imply any recommendation, promotion, identification or conformity of
ULTIMO TREN SL with the statements, content or services provided through the Linked Sites. As a result, ULTIMO TREN SL is not responsible for the content of the Linked Sites, nor for their terms of use and privacy policies, and the User is solely responsible for checking and accepting them each time the User accesses and uses the Linked Sites.
The user and, in general, any individual or legal entity who intends to establish a link from their page or site to the website must obtain prior written authorisation from ULTIMO TREN SL. The establishment of such a link does not imply in any case the existence of a relationship between ULTIMO TREN SL and the owner of the site or page where the link is established, nor the acceptance or approval by the Company of its contents or services.
In any case, ULTIMO TREN SL unilaterally reserves the right to prohibit or disable links to the website at any time, especially in cases of unlawful activity or content of the page or site on which the link is included.
The use of the Website is governed by and construed in accordance with Spanish law and it is understood that by using the Website, the User agrees that any dispute or litigation arising between you and us shall be dealt with by the Spanish courts as long as the User resides in Spain.
In the event that any of the provisions contained in these General Terms and Conditions is declared null and void, it will be withdrawn or replaced. In any case, such declaration of nullity shall not affect the validity of the other provisions contained in these General Terms and Conditions.
If you have any questions about the website or the products and/or services we offer, please contact us on: +34 925 256 937
